Thursday, September 30, 2010

Jackpot Casserole

This is one I grew up with and LOVE to this day. So easy to

Macaroni Noodles
2 cans Tomato Soup
1 pkg Ground Turkey or Beef
1 lrg can corn
Lots of Pepper

Cook noddles and meat and then mix all ingredients together. Bake at 350* until cheese is melted

Friday, September 24, 2010

I dont know what to call this but my sister told me about it.

Soo perfect for running out the door. Not even too bad for eating in the car, even a baby ;)

Warm you frying pan. Spray with non-stick spray. Crack one egg into pan and then break the yolk with a fork. Drop a tortilla on to and circle around in pan with a fork or your hand. SO that the whole side of tortilla is covered in egg. Then stop and wait for a few seconds while the egg finishes cooking. THen flip over and let the other side of tortilla crisp up.

Thats it. You can roll up and eat plain (For on the go) or dip into sauces such and ketchup, salsa, or even syrup. My kids all enjoyed it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


(Home Made Oreos) So easy and SOO yummy!!


1 Pkg. Devils Food Cake Mix
2 eggs
1/2 cup Vegetable Oil

Cream Cheese Frosting ( You can use store bought but Homemade is always better)

MIx together cake ingedients. Place on non-greased cookie sheet in walnut size balls. Cook at 350* for 10-13 minutes (10 will be super soft)

Let cool and then frost the bottom of one and top with another.


THese are great to mix up with the seasons:
Christmas> Red and Green Frosting (Even Candy cane crushed into frosting)
Christmas> Green die with andes mints crushed up inside > Soo yummy)
Halloween> Orange or Purple Frosting


Easy Chicken Pot Pie

Pre-Made Pie Crust
1- 2 Cans Cream Chicken Soup (depending on how creamy/juicy you like) Pete likes 1
1 can Mixed Vegetables
Chopped up cooked Chicken (Depending on amount you'd like)

Lay down bottome layer on pie crust in pan

Mix together soup mix/ chicken/ veggies

Spread into dish

Put on top layer and crimp sides

Bake @ 350* until crust is brown (About 15-20 min)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Haystack Cookies

Also known as No-Bake Cookies

These are my favorite cookie, and Ive been making them since I was like 12. They look a little funny. Even my 4 yr. old said no thanks when I offered him one, but then once he bit in he said YUMMY!!

2 cups white sugar
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup butter
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 pinch salt
1/2 cup peanut butter ( chunky or smooth, I preffer smooth)
3 cups quick cooking oats

1. In a saucepan over medium heat, combine sugar, cocoa, milk and butter. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil for 1 minute, then remove from heat and stir in remaining ingredients.

2. Drop by rounded spponfuls onto wax paper or pan. Allo cookies to cool for atleast 1 hour.

Nutrition Facts:
36 per recipe
Calories 116
fat 4.9 g
Sodium 64 mg
Carbs 17g
Fiber 1.2g
Protein 2g
Cholestrol 1 mg