Thursday, April 9, 2015

Lemon Butter Parsley

Yummy, Easy Pasta!

1 Pound of Pasta (Fettucine, Linguine, Angle Hair)
4 Tablespoons Butter
1/4 Cup Finely Minced Parsely
1 Whole Lemon
Salt & Papper, to taste.

Cook Noodles According to Pacakge instructions,  Drain and Set Aside

Melt butter in alrge skillet over medium-high heat. Throw in cooked pasta and cook it around in the butter for a couple of minutes so that a few of the noodles get a little bit of a panfired texture to them.

Zest the lemon, Squeeze the juice then add the zest and juice of the lemon.
Add salt and pepper.

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