Wednesday, August 4, 2010

French Dip Sandwiches

These are one on my favorite!!

1 lrg. Rump Roast
Liption Onion Soup Packet
Swiss Cheese
French Rolls
2 Beef Ramen Soups (Or just the flavor packets)

Can top with sautes onions if youd like, my family doesnt like onions.

I own a smaller crock pot, Put in roast, fill to right above it with water. Add one Packet of Lipton Onion Soup. Cook on low heat for roughly 6-8 hrs or until cooked through. Take out roast and place on Cutting board. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Slice roast and place onto open french rolls. Put on 1 slice per sandwich. Put sandwiched into oven for about 5 min until cheese is melted and bread is toasted. With remaining liquid in crock pot, add 2 packets of ramen soup packets ( this adds a ton of flavor to the dip and is super delicious, Ive done without this and its hardly any flavor). Serve dip in small dipping bowl. Dip sandwich one bit at time into dip before eating.

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